Where is Singapore, map Garden City?

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What is latitude and longitude and where is Singapore City of Gardens? (answered)
Geographic latitude: NORTHERN 1° 21' 7.56" (display in decimal number system 1.3521)
Geographic longitude: EASTERN 103° 49' 11.28" (display in decimal number system 103.8198)
Altitude of the highest peak: Bukit Timah Hill is a hill located near the geographical center. The hill stands at an altitude of 163.63 metres (537 ft.)
Population: over 5.612 million, 74.1% of residents were of Chinese descent, 13.4% of Malay descent, 9.2% of Indian descent, and 3.3% are other
Area of national territory in square kilometers: 725.1 km2 (280.0 sq mi)
Capital: Singapore (city-state)
Time zone: UTC+8 (Singapore Standard Time)
