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What is Sands SkyPark Observation Deck?
Answer: Sands SkyPark Observation Deck is locality (parks,area), a minor area or place of unspecified or mixed character and indefinite boundaries
Nearest locations (air distance from Sands SkyPark Observation Deck):
Hotel: Hostel Bunc Radius Little Indi (0.072 m)
Populated locality: Little India Singapore (0.102 m)
Bridge: Kandang Kerbau Bridge (0.125 m)
Locality: Kampong Kapor (0.369 m)
Metro station: Little India MRT Station (0.424 m)
Church: Church of Our Lady of Lourdes (0.425 m)
Hospital: Kandang Kerbau Hospital (0.562 m)
Hill: Mount Emily (0.604 m)
Populated place: Bugis (0.626 m)
Section of populated place: Mount Emily Park (0.696 m)
What is latitude and longitude and where is Sands SkyPark Observation Deck? (answered)
Geographic latitude: NORTHERN 1° 18' 21.46" (display in decimal number system 1.3059609)
Geographic longitude: EASTERN 103° 51' 12.08" (display in decimal number system 103.8533555)
Elevation (above sea level):
0 meters
Population: 0
Digit terrain model:
Time zone: Asia/Singapore
International names: Sands SkyPark Observation Deck
Sands SkyPark Observation Deck
Postal number:
Country: Singapore
Names that can be found on the Internet:
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